Elen Alien |One Touch, 21st Century, Mixed Media

1780 EUR
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Elen Alien |One Touch, 21st Century, Mixed Media

Elen Alien (b. 1990, Ukraine) is a full-time professional artist traveling and exhibiting around the globe. In her works, she combines elements of different times and cultural communities, pointing to the absence of the need for separation and labeling. Her art emphasizes that together, all people and nature form a common organism. Elen Aliens art expresses the unity of the sacred, natural, and aesthetic, all striving for a common goal. Her research unfolds at the points of contact between nature and humans, addressing questions that people have tried in vain for centuries to answer with the help of science and technology. By combining the tenderness of flowers with the hardness of epoxy resin, she reveals the ambivalence of life. In her artistic practice, she tries to preserve forever the elusive beauty of the moment, contrasting art with digital immortality. One Touch, 2021. Dry flowers on wooden board, 42 x 53 x 3cm (framed)
Condition: New
Style: Modern Art
Country: Norway
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Material: Mixed media
Product sizes: Depth - 10cm, Height - 60cm, Width - 50cm
Period: 21th century
Origination of the item : Private seller
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